Jensen's Scholars' Guide to Humanities & Social Sciences: , Political Science, Religious history Sociology, Area Studies; ; demography religion on-line books October 2009
October 2014
Richard Jensen
Jensen is a scholar with many books and articles; he has been a professor of history for over 40 years at several schools, including the University of Illinois, Harvard, Michigan, West Point, and Moscow State University. He is now Research Professor of History at Montana State University--Billings, Montana. Write him at rjensen@uic.edu
For the latest version, click
Search the WWW
- GOOGLE recommended as best of the search engines; caches items that others have been erased; Google-scholar searches content and footnotes of scholarly articles;
- searches for images
- Google Print search and read full text of many books
America: History and Life Abstracts of 400,000+ history articles from ABC-CLIO; 1950-present; campus subscription required via EBSCO (check with Librarian) recommended some of the journals are available online in JSTOR or Project MUSE
Historical Abstracts Abstracts of 400,000+ history articles from ABC-CLIO; campus subscription required via EBSCO (check with Librarian) recommended some of the journals are available online in JSTOR or Project MUSE
JSTOR complete text online of all articles; also includes major journals in political science, economics, demography; free access if your school subscribes. List of JSTOR schools
recent issues of these journals are online at History Cooperative
American Historical Review; Journal of American History; History Teacher; Law and History Review; Western Historical Quarterly; William and Mary Quarterly etc etc
- OpinionArchives free search of abstracts of articles & editorials in major journals of opinion over last 100+ years
- Dissertations International search last two years of PhD dissertation abstracts; option to purchase for $32 each; backlist available through campus library
- Search major newspaper archives from Google. recommended
- Time Magazine archives 1923-2006 complete text; searchable recomended
Guide to citing WWW
- Encyclopedia Britannica complete text of monumental 11th edition (1910); excellent source for all topics as of that date; recommended
Voice of the Shuttle Large
guide to humanities resources, from Alan Liu, UC Santa Barbara
- H-Net 140 scholarly discussion lists in humanities and social sciences;
searchable logs; H-Net now has over
170,000 subscribers
- H-Net web pages
- Area/Ethnic Studies
- History of Nations brief histories all nations
- Postcolonial studies
- Africa
African Studies
Assoc from U Pennsylvania
- 'A-Z of African Studies
- Teaching about Africa
south of the Sahara from Stanford
- Timeline and links
- colonial atlas
- Theory & Method in American/cultural studies by T. V. Reed; good guide to scholarship
from Georgetown U. Crossroads Project
- Asia
- Regional
- Syllabi in East Asian Studies
- Asian studies
from Coombs@Australian National University
- Digital Asia comprehensive collection of links
- Asian History links
East Asian Language and Thought
strong on religion
- Afghanpedia encyclopedia of Afghanistan
- Afghanistan On-Line
- China
- WWW-VL Guide from Heidelberg U.
- Timelines
- Classical Historiography by Benjamin Elman recommended
- History from U California-- San Diego
- The Civilization of China popular study by scholar Herbert A. Giles (1911)
- Ancient China
- India and South Asia
- Timeline
- Virtual Library: South Asia: Sarai
- Pakistan WWW-VL
- Bangladesh WWW-VL
- Tibet WWW-VL
- India: A Country Study long encyclopedia article from Library of Congress
- Digital Buddhist Library and Museum
- Maps
- Bibliography
- Iraq
- Iraq War 2003-
- Post Invasion Iraq
- Iraq Insurgency
- Japan
JGUIDE to Japan from Stanford
University US-Japan Technology Management Center recommended
- Timelines
History of Japan by Stefan Schauwecker; in English and German
- Samurai Archives on medieval military history and culture; many maps
- Maps: 16c
Japanese studies, K-12
- Korean History project
- History of the Philippine Islands
By Dr. Antonio de Morga (1907)
Australian Studies Network
- A Short History of Australia by Ernst Scott (1916)
- Canada
- Canadian Encyclopedia excellent starting point
- Canadian Studies: A Guide to the Sources recommended
- Canadian history websites
- O Canada basic information
- Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online. excellent scholarly biographies of Canadians who died before 1921. Recommended
- Historical Statistics of Canada (1983) spreadsheet format recommended
- Statistics Canada current data
- ''Canada Year Book'' annual volumes since 1867, can be downloaded in PDF
- ''Canada Year Book'' historical topics in statistics
- Quebec history recommended short scholarly essays
- links esp bibliographies
- culture
- Digital Library
- Early Canadiana Online 1.3 million pages
- Key constitutional documents annotated
- Mackenzie King Diaries complete text of major source for 20c political history
- Canadian Encyclopedia standard reference
- Historical Atlas of Canada projects
- Quebec by Claude Bélanger
Manitoba primary texts, biographies, photos
- Saskatchewan history original newspaper stories
- http://esask.uregina.ca/about_encyclopedia.html (2007), recommended
- Alberta Encyclopedia
- Eastern Europe
SSEES East Europe and
Slavonic Studies
Russia & East Europe
from U. of Pittsburgh
- Russian Studies excellent links, from Hokkaido University
- Russian history & culture from Bucknell U. recommended
- Russian military history esp pre 1815
1880 biog by Schuyler
- Serbia
- Western Europe
- politics--links
- British history mostly pre 1500
- Election 2005 from BBC
- French Revolution recommended from George Mason U.
French culture, HAPAX
- Documents & primary sources
- German History 1879-1945 online text by Colby College professor
- German colonial atlas
- Irish Studies
- Latin America
Latin American Studies from
U Texas
Latin American History
links from U Texas
- William R. Shepherd, The Hispanic Nations of the New World (1919) full text of short book by leading scholar
- United States and Brazil : Expanding Frontiers, Comparing Cultures recommended
- Un Debate Histórico Inconcluso en la América Latina (1600-2000)
An Inconclusive Historical Debate in Latin America (1600-2000). Four centuries of Struggle in the Peruvian and River Plate Colonial Space and in Modern and Contemporary Argentina, by Eduardo R. Saguier
- Puerto Rico documents from late 19c and early 20c, from Library of Congress
- Middle East
- Middle EastGenWeb Project designed for genealogists, but many uses
- syllabus, maps by David Yaghoubian
Middle East from U Texas
- Ancient Near East important archaeology reports from U Chicago Library
- Islam
- Islam 101 basics
- A Dictionary Of Islam: Being A Cyclopaedia Of The Doctrines, Rites, Ceremonies, and Customs, Together with the Technical and Theological Terms, Of The Muhammadan Religion
by Thomas Patrick Hughes (1896)
- Islam: Empire of Faith from PBS
- Islamic world
- Islamic religion
- early Islamic Studies
- Life of Mahomet classic 1861 biography by William Muir
- The Caliphate (1924 edition) classic history by William Muir
- The Origin Of Islam In Its Christian Environment (1925) By Richard Bell
- Judaism And Islam by Abraham Geiger (1896)
- Koran older studies by western scholars
- scholarly essays on roots of 9-11 recommended
Demography, Sociology, Ethnicity
- Sociology Links from McMaster U.
- Sociology SocioSite links from U Amsterdam
- World Population Links by Richard Jensen recommended
- Demography & Population Studies
The Internet Guide to Demography and Population Studies from Australia recommended
Sociology Timeline from 1600 key dates & texts by Ed Stephan
- US Census
- Current data
US Census: includes ICPSR census data on all counties, 1790-1970
- US Census reports current data on many topics recommended
Race & Ethnicity Statistics US social & economic data, 1950-1995
- US Census of 1850 complete text
resources an excellent guide from Coombs project in Australia
Demographic statistics OPR at Princeton,
with historic data
Population Index abstracts
of articles, 1986-1999, searchable and browsable
Essex Social Science Data Archives
Leading British data archive, with much historical data
comprehensive guide to social science
data archives from UC San Diego
- Geographical resources links from Western Connecticut U.
- American Ethnic Geography
General Social Survey
Annual poll of USA; superb guide to social science citations & abstracts
of all studies that used this major data base. The complete GSS can even
be downloaded
online crosstabs of
survey data from GSS and other great databases, from UC-Berkeley
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme
- International population data
- Social, Economic and Political Change sophisticated review of sociological theories, with good links
- African-American
- CIS History Universe: Access to African American Studies online access to short scholarly articles; check with campus Library
Mosaic Library of Congress collections, texts & photos
- Af-Am history in photos from Arkansas
- African American Perspectives 19c pamphlets from Library of Congress
- A-A newspapers 19th century
- Afro-American autobiography 10 curriculum units
- History of race by leading historian Eric Foner
- Jim Crow
- racial stereotypes from Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia at Ferris State University
- essays
- Slavery
- Encyclopedia of Slavery in American South recommended
- curriculum unit focus on New York state
- timeline and history with links
- Wahl, Jenny B.. "Slavery in the United States." EH.Net Encyclopedia economic history
- America's Journey Through Slavery from PBS; recommended
- Slave Narratives from U. of North Carolina
- Slavery in British America and United States historiography from Dade County schools
- Slaves & the courts, 1740-1860 100 books & pamphlets from Library of Congress
- Emancipation & Freedmen
Project documents on Emancipation from 1860s
- Harper's Weekly original reports on Black America, 1857-1874
"First Plans for Emancipation," by Nicolay and Hay (1889):
- "Emancipation Announced," by Nicolay and Hay (1889)
- "The Edicts of Freedom," by Nicolay and Hay (1889)
- "The XIIIth Amendment, by Nicolay and Hay (1889)
- Booker T Washington & His era
- Booker T Washington Era major site from Library of Congress
- Booker T Washington Papers complete text of major multivolume collection; searchable; recommended
- Up From Slavery BTW's famous autobiography
- W.E.B. DuBois
- bio
- Ohio documents
- religious conditions among Negroes from standard 1908 Protestant encyclopedia
- Ulysses Lee, The Employment of Negro Troops (1963), excellent official US Army history of WW2; full text recommended
- Post WW2
Martin Luther King project
at Stanford
- Papers of MLK complete texts (through 1958) recommended
- civil rights links
- The Brown Decision, 1954 curriculum unit by Henry A. Rhodes
- Invisible Man novel by Ralph Ellison
- American Indians
American Indian Resources by Will Karkavelas
- Plains Indians historical documents, ethnological reports recommended
- articles by James Mooney excellent articles on major tribes by leading ethnoilogist, in Catholic Encyclopedia of 1913 recommended
- Chinese in America scholarly book
- Germans
- settlement in Wisconsin
origins of Wisconsin settlers
- Intimate letters of Carl Schurz, 1841-1869
- German-Americans in Indianapolis: 1840-1918
- Hispanic
- Hispanic Heritage
- A History of the Mexican-American People by Julian Samora and Patricia Vandel Simon (1977); standard text
- Hispanics in US links
- Irish
- Irish diaspora (1910)
- Irish in America PBS
- Irish emigration to the United States: what it has been, and what it is. 1873 tract to get irish to move to farms
- Molly Maguires terror in the coal fields
- Irish
- "No Irish Need Apply: A Myth of Victimization" scholarly article by Richard Jensen
- Irish in 19c cities scholarly article by Patricia Kelleher
- Italians in USA (1910)
- Poles in USA (1911)
- Slavs in America (1912)
- Jews
- Jewish Encyclopedia major 1906 reference with 15,000 articles; recommended; strong on most aspects, esp. geography
- Internet
Jewish History Sourcebook many ancient & modern documents; well-edited by Paul Halsall recommended
- Jewish Virtual Library
- World Jewish Congress
- Jews in Europe early 20c
- Antisemitism bibliography
- Antisemitism brief history (19c Europe)
- Dreyfus Case France 1900
- Holocaust teaching resources recommended
- Holocaust research from Museum of Tolerance
- Migration & Ethnicity
- links from H-ETHNIC
Ethnicity, migration EDCOMER
- the European Documentation Centre and Observatory on Migration and Ethnic Relations
Race & Ethnicity Statistics US social & economic data, 1950-1997
- American Ethnic Geography
- Economics and Business History
- Resources for Economists on the Internet edited by Bill Goff recommended good starting point
- EH Encyclopedia of Economic and Business History excellent scholarly essays
- Encyclopedia of Law and Economics excellent scholarly essays
- The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (CEE) libertarian
- economics--schools of thought recommended
- Business History
- Business history links; world perpective recommended
- general guide to resources in business history
- American Economic History brief textbook
- Business history
from Ohio State
- Business History large corporations with some historical materials on their website
Labour & Business History esp useful for Marxist links, from The World Wide Web Virtual Library
- "Historiography of Business History" useful paper by undergraduate Daryl Williams
- "How Much Is That Worth Today?" current & constant dollars & pounds, 1600 to 2000
- "Putting 'Capitalism' in Its Place: A Review of Recent Literature,"
by Michael Merrill in William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 52, No. 2. (Apr., 1995), pp. 315-326. in JSTOR. Historiography of pre-1840 America
- Industrial Revolution
- Industrial Revolution from Wikipedia
- An Introduction to the Industrial History of England By Abbott Payson Usher (1920) recommended
- Mining books
- Industrial Revolution: France
- Lalor ed, The Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and the Political History of the United States (1881) recommended reference book
- Labor
- "An Historical Sketch of the Knights of Labor" scholarly article by Carroll D. Wright
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 1, No. 2. (Jan., 1887), pp. 137-168. from JSTOR
- lumberjacks 1893
- machinists, 1893
- sailors 1893
- "The Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers," by Carroll D. Wright The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 7, No. 4. (Jul., 1893), pp. 400-432. JSTOR
- Chandler, Alfred. The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business (1977) the most influential single book in business history; online through ACLS History E-Book
- "The Beginnings of "Big Business" in American Industry" by Alfred DuPont Chandler pp 62ff
- short review by David Landes
- Richard John, "Elaborations, Revisions, Dissents: Alfred D. Chandler's The Visible Hand After Twenty Years" Business History Review, (1997) Vol.71 #2 p.151-200 recommended
- Big Business and the Wealth of Nations (1997) review
- Railroads
- Jensen's Guide to Railroad History recommended links
- John Moody, The Railroad Builders: A Chronicle of the Welding of the States (1919) very good, short book by scholar
- links to online resources re specific US roads
- Cornelius Vanderbilt & eastern roads
- British Railroads from Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia
- France
- Invention
- Holland Thompson The Age of Invention (1920) full text of semipopular, short book by a scholar
- Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin, Edison, His Life and Inventions (1910) full text biography
Thomas A. Edison Papers
- "Development of Large-Scale Organization: Electrical Manufacturing Around 1900" by
Harold C. Passer, The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 12 #4. (Autumn, 1952), pp. 378-395.
- History of computers the MouseSite
- Entrepreneurs or Robber Barons?
- "Entrepreneurial Leadership Among the "Robber Barons": A Trial Balance," by Chester McArthur Destler, The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 6, Supplement: (May, 1946), pp. 28-49. JSTOR
- "American Historians and the Business Elite" by William Miller
The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 9, No. 2. (Nov., 1949), pp. 184-208. JSTOR
- "The American Business Elite: A Collective Portrait, by C. Wright Mills
The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 5, Supplement: (Dec., 1945), pp. 20-44. JSTOR
- Burton J. Hendrick, The Age of Big Business (1920) full text history by scholar
"Jackson, Biddle, and the Bank of the United States," by Bray Hammond
The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 7, No. 1. (May, 1947), pp. 1-23. JSTOR
- Andrew Carnegie, Steel & Philanthropy
- Carnegie as entrepreneur recommended
- Bio from PBS
transcript of program; original documents; teacher's guide
- links
- Carnegie Libraries
- Andrew Carnegie's essays
- industrial history of Pittsburgh
- John D Rockefeller & Standard Oil
- Rockefellers by PBS transcript of program; original documents; teacher's guide
- Tarbell, History of Standard Oil complete text of influential 1904 Muckraking expose
Development of Large-Scale Organization: The Standard Oil Company" (Exxon) by
Ralph W. Hidy, in The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 12, (1952), pp. 411-424. JSTOR
- Timeline and bibliography world oil history
- 19c advertising from Harper's Weekly
- Archive of Classic Print Ads
- "Trusts and Public Policy," by Charles J. Bullock (1901)
- US Industry, 1900-1930
- Auto Industry, 1920s
- Enron, 2002
- Labor
- Samuel P. Orth The Armies of Labor (1920) full text of semipopular short book by scholar
- "The Organization of Labor" 1882 essay by T. V. Powderly, head of Knights of Labor
- Homestead Strike by PBS
- "The Homestead Strike. I. A Congressional View" 1892 article by William C. Oates
- Fredeick Winslow Taylor & efficiency movement
- Canadian labour history
- Economic History
- JSTOR: Journal of Economic History 1941-2000
- Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (2005)
- Abstracts in Economic History
from Cliometrics Society
- EH.net Encyclopedia of Business & Economic History new scholarly essays
- Book Reviews from EH.net recommended
- Lalor ed, The Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and the Political History of the United States (1881) solid old reference book
- US economic change 1900 to 1930
NBER Macro-Economic History Database
- 20c Record of Inequality and Poverty in the US 1998 paper by Robert D. Plotnick, Eugene Smolensky et al. recommended
- The Environment in American History
- Economic Thought
annotated guide to resources, from Georgetown
- Archive of Economic Thought texts of major and minor economists; from McMaster U. recommended
- Alfred Marshall's Principles of Economics complete 1903 edition
- Thorstein Veblen books and essays
- Social, Economic and Political Change sophisticated review of sociological theories, with good links
- Economic Data
- State of Economy current data & charts
- Statistical Abstract of the US best starting place for current US demographic, economic & social data; also back volumes from 1878
- Historical Statistics of the U.S.: Colonial Times to 1970 best resource for historical data; in PDF format
Budget & Report of Council of Economic Advisors macroeconomic data for US
- Statistical abstracts for US states
Essex Social Science Data Archives
Leading British data archive, with much historical data
- Education
college & university web pages worldwide
- Videos and cd-roms many subject areas
college classes on WWW
from World Lecture Hall, U of Texas
Graduate students Only
Education World omnibus site
for K-12
- Education statistics USA
WEB66 using Internet in K-12; from
U Minnesota Ed School
- Sociology of distance education
- History of Education
- [ Syllabus and bibliography on history of American Education, by Carl Kaestle (2005)
- short 1918 scholarly history of education in US
- Richard Hofstadter and C. Dewitt Hardy, eds; The Development and Scope of Higher Education in the United States'' (1952) [ online edition]
- Knight, Edgar W. and Clifton L. Hall, eds. Readings in American Educational History (1951) recomended
- The History Of Education: Educational Practice And Progress Considered As A Phase Of The Development And Spread Of Western Civilization By Ellwood P. Cubberley (1920) full scale history
- Bibliography of American educational history by leading scholar Jurgen Herbst
- School Master 1894
- child labor cartoons, books, photos from Progressive Era
- child labor Hine photographs
History: General
- The Encyclopedia of World History
Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Sixth Edition (2001) recomended
- General Links
WWW Virtual Library Lynn Nelson's
excellent guide to 2500 links.
- World History links
- World History links
- Hyperhistory timeline and maps
- Military history 1000 annotated links, by Richard Jensen recommended
- Armed Conflict Events Data very good encyclopedic coverage 1800-2000
- Historical Atlas of 20c clever thematic maps
- The decline of the West by Oswald Spengler (1922) famous pessimistic interpretation of history
- Original Texts
- Historical texts and documents,
a very ambitious approach at Hanover College [Indiana] to putting translated
documents and secondary works on-line for undergraduate history classes
Historical Text
Archive equally ambitious; worldwide, esp Latin America, from Mississippi
State U., By Donald Mabry
Avalon Project large collection of primary documents on international affairs, 16c to 20c, from Yale.
- Foreign Policy Documents and commentary from Mt Holyoke
- Great Speeches in World History strong on Britain, Ireland, USA
- Australian books
- Articles:
The History Net full text of
articles from popular history magazines
- History Today good semipopular articles & book reviews
- The Dictionary of the History of Ideas: Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas edited by Philip P. Wiener (MY: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973-74) 5 vol. recommended
- Ancient History
- Links
- Bryn Mawr Classical Review scholarly book reviews
- exploring ancient cultures
- Egypt scholarly essays
Perseus Project classical Greek
and Latin resources; pioneer in computers recommended
- Greek History from Perseus
- Roman Empire
Early Church encyclopedia
from U. Evansville
- The Ancient World
conflict, attitude and changing religions sophisticated textbook by Frank E. Smitha
Chinese History Virtual
Library by Robert Gray, U Michigan
Cold War
visuals, interviews, texts from 1998 CNN production
- Discoveries
- Discoverers Web recommended site by Andre Engels; global coverage of links & summaries
- Columbus and
Age of Discoveries by Thomas Tirado, Millersville U.
- "Christopher Columbus and His Enterprise to the Indies: Scholarship of the Last Quarter Century," by Delno West in William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 49, No. 2. (Apr., 1992), pp. 254-277. in JSTOR
- Medieval
- Labyrinth Medieval Studies,
from Georgetown U.
- ORB Medieval Studies from Rhodes
Internet Medieval Sourcebook maps & original texts, by Paul Halsall
- Crusades
- Crusades major article from 1908 Catholic Encyclopedia with maps & links to many articles on leaders, religious themes, countries & locations recommended
- Kenneth M. Setton, ed. The History of the Crusades (1969-89), standard 6 vol scholarly full-scale history; recommended
- Europe
- Cambridge Modern History very detailed surveys by scholars, written 1900
- complete list at Google
- Renaissance
- Reformation
- 18th century
- Renaissance Annenberg project
Resources by Jack Lynch
- Early Modern from Paul Halsall
- Cartoon history of 19th century lots of fun
- Museum of Communism
more links
- England
- Gardiner's Atlas of English History recommended; includes some world history; 1892 atlas
- Medieval England links to essays
- Adams, George Burton, History of England From the Norman Conquest to the Death of John, 1066-1216 (London, 1905) survey by scholar
- Tout, T.F., The History of England From the Accession of Henry III to the Death of Edward III (1216-1377) 1905 survey by scholar
- Medieval era online textbook
- Anglo-
Saxon era
- Sources of English Constitutional History good set of documents from 601 AD to 1937
- Pollock & Maitland, History of English Law great classic; 1898 ed.
- Medieval era links
- Elizabethan England guide to ordinary life
- England under George III (1760-1830) good on politics, documents recommended
- English Romanticism
- Romantic Circles chapters from new books
Victoria Research Web19c
Britain. from Indiana U.
- Victorian Britain Handbook
Victorian Web coordinated by George Landow. Brown U. recommended
- Irish Famine links
- Irish Famine
- Online sources for 19c Britain by Michael Nie
- Peel Web, 1830-1850 recommended
- James Bryce, William Ewart Gladstone old classic
- Victorian Britain Handbook
- John A. Hobson, Imperialism (1902)
- Lloyd-George
- Winston Churchill
- biography
- WW2 in Britain good BBC site
- 85,000 British cartoons don't miss David Low
- France
- Medieval period links
- French Revolution
- French Revolution from Encyclopedia Britannica 11th edition (1910)
- Napoleonic Wars links
- Statistical abstract of Napoleonic era
- France GenWeb useful genealogical resources; includes historical maps, census data and many other resources for each province
- Germany
German history
by Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kaelble, Humboldt U., Berlin
- Early Medieval
- Medieval Cultural studies
- German History Sources texts of political documents, 19-20c by Richard Weikart
- Germany Gen Web useful genealogical resources; includes historical maps and census data on each province
- German colonial atlas
H-German discussion threads
& books reviews
- Holocaust
from Paul Halsall recommended
- Holocaust teaching resources recommended
- Medieval Italy
Norwegian Historical Association
many European links
- Russia
Russian history sites
- Beyond the Pale History of Jews in Russia
- Spain
- Medieval Spain
- The Muslims of Valencia in the Age of Fernando and Isabel by Mark D. Meyerson 1991 scholarly study
- Israel official site
- Mexico
from Don Mabry's shop
- Border Studies US-Mexico
- Mexican Revolution documents, ed. Don Mabry
- Mexican Revolution photos from Runyon collection
- Digitising History textbook for quantitative history
- Science-Medicine-Technology-Environment
- History of Science & Technology documents, from ancient to present, ed. Paul Halsall
History of
Science/Technology/Medicine from Johns Hopkins U.
- History of Science, Technology & Medicine by Tim Sherratt
- History of science comprehensive links
- A History of Science 1904 4 vol compendium by Henry Smith Williams
- history of astronomy links from U of Michigan-Detroit Observatory
- history of mathematics several full-length books
- Environment in American History
- Environmental history links from U California Berkeley
Galileo's World and early
modern science, from Rice U.
- Medical History
Medical History on the WWW
by A. J. Wright
- Leonardo's World from Corbis
- history of Western science annotated bibliography by A. Bowdoin Van Riper
- Steam engines: histories & documents
- Engines of Our Ingenuity transcripts of 1500+ short radio talks on history of technology, by John H. Lienhard
Slavery studies
bibliographies and autobiographies, by Steve Mintz and the Gilder Lehrman
Institute of American History
- Historic Speeches in Real Audio, from History Channel Time Machine
- Roads from Seneca falls guide to women's history recommended
- Distinguished women short biographies
- Women's Emancipation in Britain Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia
- World War I
World War I documents, from
Brigham Young U.
World War I links , from U. Kansas
- World War I links by Richard Jensen
- WWI-Britain from Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia
- The Economics of WW1: Overview scholarly article by Broadberry & Harrison (2004)
- World War II
- World War II links recommended by Richard Jensen
- WW2 encyclopedia from Spartacus
World War II Resources
- lesson plans
- Multimedia good slide shows
- brief history of entire war from Canadian perspective
- History: USA
- Reader's Companion to American History (1991) excellent short scholarly articles recommended
- primary documents and useful essays; edited by Oscar Handlin (1963 recommended)
- History Matters online sources and syllabi, from George Mason U.
to US topics from McGraw Hill
- lesson plans good links
- Military and Diplomatic history textbooks
- Jensen's Guide to Military History recommended
- Matloff, 'American Military History (1989)
- Political History textbooks
- advertising slide collection by Roland Marchand recommended
- Political History
- "Historiography of American Political History" long scholarly article by Richard Jensen
- presidential history detailed guide to WWW, by Richard Jensen recommended
- American Presidency major exhibit from Smithsonian
- Political Graveyard remarkable biographical guide to 81,000 politicians, living and dead recommended
- Elections 1860-1912 as covered by Harper's Weekly; news, editorials, cartoons (many by Thomas Nast)
- Speeches
- Speeches full text, from Northwestern U. Douglass Project
- Inaugural speeches; annual messages by Rick Matlick
- Presidential speeches short audio excerpts, Harrison to Clinton
American Religious Experience from
West Virginia U.
- biographies good links
- African American
- Colonial, Early National
- Gilder-Lehrman guide to American History, to 1865. how to read and analyze primary documents recommended
- Colonization
- Ethnic & religious diversity
- Seven Years War
- Age of Revolutions
- Creating a New Nation
- Antebellum
- Civil War
- American Colonists' Library documents recommended
- colonial histories very good scholarly books, pre 1923 (now in public domain); recommended
- George Bancroft, History of the United States of America, from the discovery of the American continent. 10 vol 1837-60
- Provincial America, 1690-1740 very good 1905 overview by by scholar Evarts Boutell Greene
- The Reinterpretation of the American Revolution excellent 1968 collection of scholarly essays ed by Jack Greene recommended
- Stamp Act see the cartoons
The Early America Review
full text of semi-popular articles
- History of New England classic 5 vol history by John Palfrey (1859-90)
- Benjamin Franklin links by R. Jensen and classic short scholarly biography by Carl Becker
- American Revolution: timeline, biographies from Claremont Institute
- Founder's Constitution links to sources of US Constitution recommended
- First Congress 1789-91
- Max Farrand, The Fathers of the Constitution (1920) full text of short book by leading scholar
- A Constitutional History of the United States (1935) Pulitzer-winning textbook by leading scholar Andrew McLaughlin
- New Nation teachers guides; stress on politics & religion
- Jefferson--Man of Millennium by Richard Jensen, with links
- New Nation
original founding documents, 1770s-1790s, from from Library of Congress
- 1800-1850s
- Cartoon history of 19th century lots of fun
- Martha Ballard midwife in New England 1780s-1810s
SHEAR bibliography US history 1800-1860
to Reconstruction textbook plus documents;
- Growth & Expansion of Early Nation good graphics
Tales of the Early Republic
ambitious collect of texts and encyclopedia entries on Jacksonian Era, by
Hal Morris
Tocqueville's America texts from Virginia
- Uncle Tom's Cabin and American Culture
- Brooklyn Eagle major newspaper, 1841-1902
- Civil War Era
- Jensen's Guide to Civil War online sources
recommended links
- James Ford Rhodes, History of the Civil War, 1861–1865 (1918) best of older histories of the war years; strong on politics recommended
- scholarly essays 1966 collection ed. Charles Crowe
- Antislavery Literature Project recommended collection or primary documents
Civil War Center at LSU
- causes of Civil War documents
Civil War full text of political documents from Furman U.; focus is 1850-1861
- Ransom, Roger L.. "The Economics of the Civil War." EH.Net Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples, August 25 2001 scholarly essay
Words and Boundaries in a Secessionist Age Interactive course on 1850s by Lloyd Benson, Furman U.
1861 Crisis class exercises, from Richard Latner Tulane U.
- Lincoln's complete works searchable recommended
- New York Times 1860-66 complete text
- Brooklyn Eagle major newspaper, 1841-1902
- Lincoln bio, timeline, videos, texts to 1861
- Civil War images original prints from NY Historical Society
- Overview of Confederate homefront by leading historian J F Rhodes, pp 366-397 recommended
- Walter Lynwood Fleming, The Sequel of Appomattox, A Chronicle of the Reunion of the States short 1920 book by leading Southern white scholar
- D. S. Freeman "Lee" great 4 vol biography (1934)
- Harper's Weekly Recommended
150 cartoons on elections 1860-1884
plus Reconstruction topics, Chinese exclusion & American Political Prints from the Library of Congress, 1766-1876
- Gilded Age, Progressive Era
American Social History Project US
- Brooklyn Eagle major newspaper, 1841-1902
- Elections 1860-1912 as covered by Harper's Weekly; news, editorials, cartoons (many by Thomas Nast)
- Nativism & anti-Catholicism bibliography
- anti-Catholic books online 19th century US
- Progressive Era annotated links by Amanda Howenstein
- Gilded Age & Progressive Era Cartoons, industry, labor, politics, prohibition from Ohio State
Gilded Age documents and books
- photographs
- original images
- Immigration
- Higham, John Strangers in the land: patterns of American nativism, 1860-1925. [1957] outstanding history of nativism; online via ACLS History E-book
Immigration History Research Center at
U. Minnesota
- Images of immigrants
- Anti-Chinese
San Francisco
- Anti-Chinese Movement from Harper's Weekly
- C Vann Woodward "The Populist Heritage and the Intellectual" pp 214+
1890s from
Bowling Green State U.
- Historians discuss War of 1898 recommended
- TRoosevelt Timeline with links
- Temperance & Prohibition
- Woodrow Wilson from PBS with some documents recommended
- links recommended
- Robert H Wiebe, "The House of Morgan and the Executive, 1905-1913" pp 252+
H102 Stanley Schultz's course on Civil War to Present at U. Wisconsin,
with outlines, texts, biographies, photos, etc.
- 1920s
- links from Montgomery College
- links from Kingwood College Library
- more links from Kennesaw College
- links
- 1920s original documents from Library of Congress
- Scopes Trial, 1925
- Middletown (1929) book by Robert & Helen Lynd
- Harlem Renaissance lesson plans
1950s course,
& excerpts examplar course, from U of Pennsylvania
- 1980s lots of popular culture & some politics
- New Deal, WW2
New Deal Homepage One of best history resources; from Columbia U. and FDR Library; many photos and documents recommended
- New Deal links
- photos from Great Depression
- lesson plans
Deal Cartoons delightful research resource; original cartoons 1933-45,
selected and edited by high school class recommended
- Farm Security Administration thousands of photographs from 1930s, some in color
- World War II Links by Richard Jensen
- WW2 photos
- WW2 posters n=337
- ads & posters
- American oral histories
- Ethnic
- Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-born Population of the US: 1850-1990
- Chinese American History Time Line
- German-American Ethnic Experience short overview by leading historians
- Hispanic
- Hispanic Heritage
- Latino Culture
- Hispanic Reading Room from Library of Congress
- Urban
- H-Urban web links
- Encyclopedia of Chicago (2005) Recommended
- Encyclopedia of Cleveland History best online source for any city recommended
- Cleveland Digital Library primary sources
- Digital Sanborn Maps, 1867-1970 digital access to more than 660,000 large-scale maps of more than 12,000 American towns and cities. online from ProQuest Information and Learning; check with Librarian;
- Pittsburgh texts and maps recommended
- NYC 1905 documents
- Seattle
studying urban history
[Guelph, Canada]
Aerial views 19c
US cities must see
Chicago maps &
Urban planning,
1794-1918 by John Reps
- Chicago extensive collection of online materials; strongest for 1919 from Chicago Metro History Education Center
- Labor History syllabus, documents & links, by Gerald Zahavy; emphasis on radical left
- South
- Tennessee Encyclopedia Online recommended
- John Shelton Reed, My Tears Spoiled My Aim geography of South
- Encyclopedia of Georgia (2004) recommended
- Documenting the American South from U. North Carolina
Library of Virginia 600,000
images in colonial history & WW2 photos
- Chesapeake region many full text historic books and documents re Virginia, Maryland area before 1870
of the Shadow social history of Pennsylvania and Virginia, 1850s-'60s,
by Ed Ayers, U Virginia
- History of Appalachia lecture notes by Ron Eller
- WPA Tennessee Guide famous 1938 guide
- The Handbook of Texas best guide to any state; multivolume 1996 encyclopedia
- Hurricane Katrina 2005
- overview
- Vietnam War
- Annotated bibliography with links, by Richard Jensen
The Wars for Vietnam, 1945-1975 with documents, by Robert Brigham, Vassar College
- Foreign Relations, 1969-1976
Foundations of Foreign Policy, 1969-1972 official documents; interpretive emphasis; recommended
- West & Frontier
- annotated links by Mike Madin
- Multicultural West from
Washington State U.
WestWeb scholars'
guide to Western USA by Cathy Lavender
- documents
American Indian Resources by Will Karkavelas
- biographies
- photographs
Lesson Plans from PBS
- New Perspectives on the West from PBS; texts, biographies, timeline
- travel accounts full text, pre 1877
- H H Bancroft the great multivolume history of the West; v 17 (Arizona & New Mexico) recommended
- California
- online archive
- California 1849-1900 documents
- San Francisco history
- Shaping San Francisco
- Midwest
- Encyclopedia of Chicago wonderful guide to city's history (2004)
- midwestern frontier documents from Lincoln/Net
Frederic Austin Ogg, The Old Northwest: A Chronicle of the Ohio Valley and Beyond (1919) short book by scholar
- Kansas history
- Cutler history of Kansas, 1883 excellent
- WPA Minnesota Guide famous 1938 guide
- Andreas history of Nebraska, 1882 excellent
- Wisconsin documents
- Dictionary of Wisconsin History 1000 short entries with bibliography
- H H Bancroft the great multivolume history of the West; v 29-30 (Oregon) recommended
- Pacific Northwest historical documents and old histories of Oregon & region recommended
- The Handbook of Texas best guide to any state; multivolume 1996 encyclopedia recommended
- Encyclopedia of Utah History excellent resource
- western photos 1860-1920 n=30,000 from Denver Public Library
- books & travel accounts of 19c California esp 1849
- Women
- American
Women's History: A Research Guide
- Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1830-1930
- American women 1870-1930 massive collection of primary documents from Harvard U Library
- The Women's Rights Movement
1848 - 1998
- Woman Suffrage documents and study guide, from National Archives
- Notable Women of History useful short bios, links & texts; recommended
- texts famous books and pamphlets by women
- Prominent women short biographies
- Women's Archives primary documents, from Duke U.
- Nurses
History Journals/ Departments/ Research Institutes/ Associations/Textbooks/Historiography
Perspectives newsletter articles
Canadian Historical
Center for History & New Media
George Mason U.
- Historical Research in Europe : A Guide to Archives and Libraries bibliography with many links
global list of all history
- History On-Line recommended re UK teachers, research projects, books, articles, conferecnes
- recent theses in British universitites
NCSS National Council for Social
Studies; high school teachers
- State Historical Society Journals
- Kansas
- Ohio
- Southwestern Historical Quarterly major scholarly journal for Texas History
- West Virginia
Online Textbook Supplements (graphics, maps, documents, questions)
- Garraty: US
- Nash: US
- Kishlansky: Western Civ; very good maps
- McKay: World History primary sources & web links
- WebCT links to publishers
- Historiography
- Historiography recent major articles; recommended
- Historiography annotated bibliography by T. V. Reed
- Famous historians brief critical essays on 20 major figures
- History Under Debate mostly in Spanish
Historiography Major French and British books from ELIOHS project by Guido Abbattista & Rolando Minuti
- historiography syllabus & links by Dr Shurlee Swain, Australian Catholic University
- Foucalt
- Orientalism
- "Los Angeles and the Problem of Urban Historical Knowledge" By Philip J. Ethington recommended
- Humanities
- Humanities Organizations
ACLS homepages and links to 75 affiliated learned societies in USA
Societies all fields, from U. of Waterloo
National Endowment for Humanities; Humanities valuable magazine from NEH; not copyright
Voice of the Shuttle Large
guide to humanities resources, from Alan Liu, UC Santa Barbara
- Art History
- Art History links recommended
Heritage List, pictures 720+ properties
Museums from International Council of Museums
- Literature
Literature, best guide to literary WWW sites, by Jack Lynch recommended
- Modern Russian Writers
- Heath anthology of American Literature recommended
- The Cambridge History of English and American Literature: An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes scholarly compendium, published 1907-21; recommended for its 11,000 pages of factual detail
- PAL: Perspectives in American Literature
300 pages of scholarly bibliographies by Paul P. Reuben
Southern Literature
texts from U. of North Carolina
Great Writers &
Poets by Piet Wesselman
- Shakespeare
American Literature , from Georgetown U.
- A Multimedia Companion to
Anthology of Modern American Poetry, by Cary Nelson recommended
- The American Language: An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States 1921 classic by H.L. Mencken
Mencken links
Romantic Circles English
Romantic poetry
- Philosophy, Psychology & History of Ideas
- Philosophy Links good starting point
- Hippias search the web for philosophy
- Philosopher's Index recommended links to etexts
- Philosophy from
U. of Bristol
- Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Guide to philosophy departments
- Philosophical Gourmet Report Leiter's ranking
- it's naughty to rank
Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philosophy original articles recommended
- Ethics Updates by Lawrence M. Hinman
- The Dictionary of the History of Ideas: Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas edited by Philip P. Wiener (MY: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973-74) 5 vol. recommended
Ralph Waldo Emerson
- John Stuart Mill original texts
- Mill's philosophy
- texts by and about JSM
- George Herbert Mead American 20c philosopher; texts; also W.I. Thomas and other social scientists of early 20c
- History of Psychology Archives recommended
- Classics in the History of Psychology original texts, by Christopher Green; includes James, Dewey, Freud, Jung, and more recommended
- Gender
- Feminist theory
- Suffragists Oral History full-text of interviews
- Women's Studies valuable guide from U. Maryland
- Libraries and Bibliographies
OPAC (On-Line Public Access Catalogs) Most major library OPACs are available.
(Yahoo tracks them)
MELVYL One of the best OPACs is
the U of California system, with vast holdings and the ability to email searches
back to you. recommended
INGENTA searchable tables of contents
to 11 million articles in 26,000 journals; (coverage
from late 1980s to last month); formerly called CARL recommended
Abstracts abstracts of all PhD dissertations; searchable; guests
have access to last 2 years; many colleges have full access on campus
British academic libraries
- British Library
US National Archives
- National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections (NUCMC) in U.S.A.
- Archives USA Chadwyck-Healey's product
- IBSS International Bibliography of Social Sciences, restricted to UK universities
- Full Text On-Line Magazines, Books, Documents pre 1920s
- Digital Libraries
- Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography
By Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
- Reference books
- Quotations
- Bartlett's Familiar Quotations 9th ed. 1901 -- with better citations than recent editions
- more recent quotations
- Roget's Thesaurus both 1995 and 1922 editions
- Mencken, The American Language (1921) classic
- The Cambridge History of English and American Literature: An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes scholarly compendium, published 1907-21recommended for its 11,000 pages of factual detail
- Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
- OneLook Dictionaries 4 million words indexed in more
than 700 online dictionaries
- Columbia Encyclopedia excellent brief, modern
- Wordsmyth Dictionary
- Century Dictionary full text of monumental English dictionary, cyclopedia & atlas of 1890s recommended
- Merriam Webster's Unabridged 1913 edition; the superb 1961 edition is available on cd-rom
- The Oxford English Dictionary is available online at many colleges
- Encarta useful encyclopedia
- French Reference [in pdf format]includes Dictionnaire historique et critique (1697) by Pierre Bayle
- Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers [1751-1765]- 16 vol
- Books
- Project Gutenberg over 10,000 books online--strongest in 19c literature recommended
- annotated guide from Georgetown U Library
- E-Texts 7500 full texts from Internet Public Library
- US History recommended
- State & Local US History recommended
- Cleveland Digital Library primary sources
- Kentucky Digital Library hundreds of titles on Kentucky
- Pittsburgh
- Public Domain HTI Modern English Collection recommended
Project Gutenberg Major collection of literary and historical texts
- African American
- African American Writers from ISLMC
- African American Perspectives 19c pamphlets from Library of Congress
- 19c American Lit 70 full texts books by major writers
- Documenting the American South many full-length Southern books, 19c; major resource
- Kentucky Digital Library books and pamphlets
- Archive of Economic Thought texts of major and minor economists; from McMaster U.
- "Graphic Witness" caricatures in history European and American political artists
- Library of Congress American Memory Project; many miscellaneous collections
- Classics in the History of Psychology original texts, by Christopher Green; includes Wundt, James, Dewey, Binet, Yerkes, Freud, Jung, Terman, Watson, Skinner and more
- NY Times authors & book reviews
- Time Magazine full text all issues, Jan 1994- present
- New York Review of Books full text many issues, 1963-2002
- 19c periodicals online recommended starting point
- New York Times complete text of every issue 1854-1924, searchable highly recommended
- OpinionArchives free search of abstracts of articles & editorials in major journals of opinion over last 100+ years
Making of America Cornell MOA project is putting online the full text of these magazines.
The texts are searchable. The project now includes 908,000 pages of text from 267 books and 955 volumes of magazines.
- another link
- American Missionary (1878 - 1901) strong on African-Americans in South
- The Atlantic Monthly (1857 - 1901) major intellectual magazine
- Century (1881 - 1899) major intellectual magazine
- Harpers New Monthly Magazine (1850-1899) major intellectual magazine
Harper's Weekly online and indexed 1857-1877; superb illustrations; available at 500+ academic libraries recommended
- Literary Digest unfortunately not on-line
- Littell's Living Age (1844 - 1900) reprints European magazine articles; recommended
- The Nation on-line by subscription, 1865- present this was the leading intellectual periodical 1865-1910
- Niles Weekly Register best weekly news magazine, 1811-1849; available on cd-rom at some large academic libraries; unfortunately not on-line
- North American Review (1815 - 1900) major intellectual magazine
- Scientific American (1846 - 1869)
- 19c Books full text is searchable; each page in gif format recommended
- 19th century books, full text from MOA at U. Michigan; full text searching; images of pages recommended. Includes 634,000 pages from 4,100 books and magazine volumes.
Making of America Full text
(in bitmap) of thousands of 19c books and the following magazines, from U.
of Michigan:
Catholic World 1865-1901
DeBow's 1846-1869 + 1952 index Major resource for South
Princeton Review 1831-1882 major conservative religious journal
Southern Literary Messenger 1835-1864 + 1936
Contributor index
Southern Quarterly Review 1842-1857
- Internet Library of Early Journals English journals
- 18th Century
- Gentleman's Magazine
- The Annual Register 1758-1778
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
- 19th Century
- Notes and Queries
- The Builder
- Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine
- British Library 19c British newspapers full txt, searchable
- On-Line Maps
- Odden's Maps links recommended
- Perry-Castañeda Map Collection recommended
- Century Dictionary full text of major Cyclopedia & Atlas of 1890s recommended
- Europe
- Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe every 100 years from 1100 to 2000
- Historical Atlas (1923) by William R. Shepherd excellent for Europe
- Gardiners Atlas of English History recommended; includes some world history; 1892 atlas
British Historical GIS Programme
- Atlas of Europe 1882
- Historical Atlas of 20c clever thematic maps
- World History maps
- maps for German history
- good on ancient & Europe
- Russian Empire 1882 atlas
- History of Poland
- Balkans 1882 atlas
- Textbook maps US History
- Textbook Maps US History (Nash)
- Perry-Castañeda Map Collection recommended
- Statistical Atlas US, 1870-1880-1890, also 1970 recommended
Animated time series of demographic and political data. mostly USA
- 20c maps thematic, recommended
- David Rumsey Collection 7000+ wonderful original maps; worth the trouble recommended
- Using Maps and Gazetteers
In Your Research by Dave Obee
- Hyperhistory timeline and maps
- National Geographic Society Maps also available on cd-rom from Amazon.com
Great set of links
to many maps from U Maryland-Baltimore
maps U Texas collection
Historical and Cultural Atlases
Uses Shockwave to create overlays; from U. of Oregon
- History of Cartography
by Tony Campbell of British Library
free classroom outline maps
National Atlas of Canada
maps from Canadian Encyclopedia
Historical Geography
from Association of American Geographers
- Cities
- city plans and maps
Aerial views 19c
US cities
Chicago maps &
- News, newspapers, magazines, radio
- OpinionArchives free search of abstracts of articles & editorials in major journals of opinion over last 100+ years
AJR NewsLink links to several thousand
newspapers, broadcasters, on-line news services, and other useful
- AJR links to magazines
- Media & Communications Studies from U. of London
US National Public Radio, with real audio
US Network TV News archives detailed,
searchable abstracts of major news shows, 1968 to 2008
- New York Times complete text of every issue 1854-1924, searchable recommended
- reporters, 1893
- country printers 1893 by W. D. Howells
Voice of America from
US Information Agency [daily news]
Washington Post [daily news]
- Political Science, International Relations
Guide to Political Research On-Line from Richard Jensen recommended :)
- Political Science Virtual Library resources
and departments; from Cal Poly
Political Science research
from U. of Denver
- Political Theory Daily Review links to serious discussions; updated daily recommended
- Encyclopedias
- Encyclopedia of Law and Economics excellent scholarly essays
- The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (CEE) libertarian
Encyclopedia articles on US politics
- Diplomacy, International Relations
- more links
H-DIPLO links to
Diplomatic History
- International Affairs Resources
1400+ links, by Wayne A. Selcher, Elizabethtown College
Avalon Project large collection of primary documents on international affairs, 16c to 20c, from Yale.
- Foreign Policy Documents and commentary from Mt Holyoke recommended
- U.S. Diplomatic History Resources excellent links
US State Department documents
Foreign Relations of US series, 1960s
Cold War International
History Bulletin new documents from Communist archives; major resource
- scholarly essays on roots of 9-11 recommended
- Supreme Court
Oyez: Supreme Court famous cases, by Jerry Goldman; listen to the lawyers
- Supreme Court all decisions since 1893; full text; free from FindLaw
- more links
- The Founders Constitution excellent collection of documents
- Politics, Polls
Yahoo Guide to Politics
Post Guide to US Government
- Almanac of Policy Issues convenient guide to all policy areas recommended
- Election 2008
- Yahoo Guide to Politics
- Real Clear Politics current polls 2008 election
- Crystal Ball Predictions anlysis by Prof Larry Sabato, who usually is on target recommended
- web sites
- Green Papers good daily briefing
- ABC News coverage don't miss the daily "The Note"
- AllPolitics spot news from CNN
- Election 2008 from U Michigan recommended
- Election 2004 from U Michigan
- US Elections to 1880
Annotated guide to
ICPSR, from U California San Diego
National Election Studies/ICPSR,
Roper Center polls,
worldwide, 1935- present
- Real Clear Politics current polls 2008 election
- Public Agenda Online nonpartisan evaluations of polls
- Thinkers and Theorists
- Political Theorists links from Yahoo!
- economics--schools of thought recommended
- Antonio Gramsci
- Karl Marx complete texts
- Sidney Hook, From Hegel to Marx: studies in the intellectual development of Karl Marx (1962) history of ideas
- Social, Economic and Political Change sophisticated review of sociological theories, with good links
- Herbert Spencer from Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- anthropologists
- George Herbert Mead American 20c philosopher; texts; also W.I. Thomas and other social scientists of early 20c
- John Stuart Mill original texts
- Thorstein Veblen books and essays
- Cases & Materials on American Federalism
- Philosophy Texts complete texts by Aristotle, Derrida, Hume, Kant, Mill, Plato, Popper, Rousseau, and others
- Conservative Political Thinkers
Roger Scruton (1944-) Michael Oakeshott (1901-1990) Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
- Philosophy from U. of Bristol
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy original scholarly articles
- Popular Culture, Cinema, Museums
Art Museums
- art history by Chris Whitcombe
Museums from International Council of Museums
- artists thousands of excellent JPG images
French Ministry of Culture
Library of Congress "American
Memory" photos, sound, film, not copyright
Popular Culture, from
Popular Culture Association
- Radio history & radio ads
- train travel & ads
- Visual Images
- finding images on WWW
- art history by Chris Whitcombe
- online visual images
- Images from the History of Medicine (IHM) 60,000 images
- Medicine and Madison Avenue ads, 1911-60
- Web Guide to Art biogs & commentary on famous paintings
- Local History, Preservation, Architecture
- Digital Archive of American Architecture recommended
- Great Buildings 3-D models & photos
Living history;
- Cinema
Internet Movie Database
- Film Studies from U. of London
- Asian films
- The Silents Majority silent films
- Film History excellent course syllabus by Steven Schoenherr
- early films GIF format
- Early films Library of Congress
- 20c Europe in Film rentals from Penn State
- Culture Studies
- African American
- Multicultural West from Washington State U.
- The Raced Celt, 1840-1890 stereotypical images of the Irish
- Chicano/Latino West
- Comics
- Google's Links recommended
Index of comic art from Michigan State
- Religion
- Rutgers links
- contemporary religious movements from U. Virginia
- James Hastings, ed. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics classic scholarly reference book from 1914
- APS Guide to Resources in Theology
- annotated links by Mike Madin
- World Religions useful encyclopedia
- religion-online.org 4000+ texts by recognized religious scholars recommended
- Sacred Texts 400+ full texts from many religious traditions
- adherent statistics worldwide; history and current data
East Asian Language and Thought strong on religion
- Judaica, omnibus guide
- Jewish Encyclopedia major 1906 reference with 15,000 articles; recommended
- Islamic religion
- Islam 101 basics
- Digital Buddhist Library and Museum
- religious movies Hollywood goes to Heaven
- Christianity
- Links
- Image and Text Database on the History of Christianity from Yale Divinity School
- The Unquenchable Light 1940 very general history by leading scholar Kenneth Scott Latourette
Catholic Enclopedia,
1913 ed full text of all 11,000 articles; strong on history, Catholic and heretical doctrines, geography, rituals, theology recommended
- Schaff, Philip, History of the Christian Church complete text of 1910 edition of 8 volume history (to 1540s) by a leading American Protestant scholar in 1880s. recommended; a cd-rom edition also exists
- The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge classic 15v 1908 Protestant work; recommended
Early Church encyclopedia
from U. Evansville
- Renan, Ernest Renan, The history of the origins of Christianity (1890) 7 vol, includes his famous Life of Jesus
- Hall of Church History Protestant and Catholic texts
- Reformation/ Counter-Reformation
- Internet Modern History Sourcebook excellent collection of texts recommended
- historiography of Reformation scholarly essay
- Reformation comprehensive but old and sharply negative overview; elaborate detail; from 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia
- Martin Luther from ibid
- John Calvin from ibid
- Counter-Reformation from ibid
- Counter-Reformation new essays
- Project
Wittenberg Luthern texts
- Puritan texts
- texts from Reformed tradition
- Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1905)
- Frey, Donald. "The Protestant Ethic Thesis." EH.Net Encyclopedia by economic historian
Engerman, Stanley. "Capitalism, Protestantism, and Economic Development." EH.NET, 2000
- Christian Missions
- Wesley Center texts by Wesley, Arminius, Holiness theologians
- Quaker documents by Peter Sippel
- "Religion and Superstition in Nineteenth-Century France" by Eugen Weber,
The Historical Journal, Vol. 31, No. 2. (Jun., 1988), pp. 399-423. JSTOR
Victoria Research Web19c
Britain; from Indiana U.
- American Religious History
- Divining America: Religion & the National Culture scholarly essays & links; recommended
- overview
- religion in early National period
- Religion in 18th century Library of
Congress exhibit of books & prints
- historiography of early American religion
Awash in a Sea of Faith: Christianizing the American People book by Jon Butler, reviewed by Patricia U. Bonomi in William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 48, No. 1. (Jan., 1991), pp. 118-124.
- Religion & States in Revolutionary Era, from Library of Congress
- Catholic Enclopedia,
1913 ed recommended excellent coverage of all states; major cities and ethnic groups; leading bishops
- Protestant Denominations
- African American by W.E. B. DuBois
- Baptists
- Congregationalists
- Lutherans
- Mennonites
- Methodists
- History of the Moravian Church by J.E. Hutton (1909)
- Mormons
- Mormons in Utah
- Mormon historiography scholarly essays
- Presbyterians
- Protestant Episcopal Church
- Quakers
- Dutch Reformed
- German Reformed
- Shakers
- Unitarians
- History of American socialisms classic 1871 book by John Humphrey Noyes, re: communal religions
- American Religious Data Archive recent surveys
American Religious Experience from
West Virginia U. recommended
- statistics membership totals, 1990s; links; citations; good source for basic numbers
For the latest version, click
Copyright (c) 2015 Richard Jensen. This Guide was prepared with support from the National Endowment for Humanities, the Center for Global Partnership of the Japan Foundation, the University of Illinois, RPI, the Gilder-Lehrman Foundation, the Luce Foundation, and the Robert H. Michel Civic Education Grants sponsored by The Dirksen Congressional Center. Scholars are invited to post the complete Guide to campus WWW sites and distribute it to students.
Write me at RJensen@uic.edu