Web Sources for Military History  
by Richard Jensen, March 2015

Jensen is a scholar with many books and articles; he was professor of history for over 35 years at several schools, including the University of Illinois, Harvard, Michigan, West Point, and Moscow State University. His recent books (coauthored) include The Civil War on the Web (2nd edition 2003), Trans-Pacific Relations : America, Europe, and Asia in the Twentieth Century (2003), World War II on the Web (2002) and Americans at War: Society, Culture, and the Homefront (2005). Write him at rjensen@uic.edu
this is online at http://www.americanhistoryprojects.com/downloads/military.htm
Table of contents
A. Searches/ General B. Ancient C. Medieval
D. 16th-17th centuries E. 18th Century F. American Revolution
G. Napoleonic Era H. 19th Century I. US Civil War
J. World War I K. World War II: General & Europe L. World War II: Pacific
M. Cold War N. Third World O. Korea
P. Vietnam Q. Since 2001 R. Air Power & Sea Power


revised 2/28/2011

Copyright (c) 2011 Richard Jensen. This Guide was prepared with support from the Department of Education (TAH Program); National Endowment for Humanities, the Center for Global Partnership of the Japan Foundation, the University of Illinois, RPI, the Gilder-Lehrman Foundation, the Luce Foundation, and the Robert H. Michel Civic Education Grants sponsored by The Dirksen Congressional Center. Scholars are invited to post the complete Guide to campus WWW sites and distribute it to students.

Jensen's Online Guides By Richard Jensen, covering humanities, American history, demography, political science and related topics

Write me at RJensen@uic.edu